Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Enquirer Blog: Pepper clearly out-maneuvering Heimlich.

Politics Extra: Poll makes Pepper proud

I'm not at all surprised. A large number of Republicans are sick and tired of Heimlich's associates...and it is coming back to bite Heimlich in the ass. Heimlich appointed COAST leader Chris Finney to all sorts of county boards and commissions. Finney and Representative Tom Brinkman are the guys who founded COAST. Annoying Clown Nate Noy is a former Brinkman campaign volunteer who loves to file frivolous complaints against Jean Schmidt. It appears that Finney is behind him. What a mess. Phil is keeping poor company.


natenoy said...


For the record the first time I met Tom Brinkman was at the Anderson Township GOP picnic in August. I have never worked on anyone’s campaign in Southern Ohio other than my own.

You are entitled to call me a clown. Since you are obviously pro-homosexual I can see why you do not like me.


Anonymous said...

This is TNP writing.

It's kinda difficult not to believe almost anything about Nathan Noy when it comes to politics. Anyone who would go to such great lengths to persecute (le mot juste) Jean Schmidt with borderline silly charges before the OEC could be capable of nearly any kind of goofiness. Leveling an accusation of "pro-homosexual" against WTF sorta goes right well with the Noy flow of nonsense. WTF, disregard the charge. It is superfluous, just like the accuser.

As for Heimlich, I'm underwhelmed by the association I keep hearing about concerning his ties to the COAST cabal. And I'm wavering in my pro-Phil attitude. But I always seem to fall back on this: the worst Republican nowadays is, to me, 10,000 times better than the best pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-defense, big taxes, big government, universal healthcare, Bush-hating Dem. I'm watching Pepper, but, damn it, I just can't get by the fact that he's a Democrat on the same side of the fence with Hillary, Waxman, Cranley, Sharpton, McKinney, Biden, Gore, Kerry, that drunkard Ted Kennedy and Bill Clintstone.

Someone said...

TNP, look at Hamilton County. Like what you see? That's Hamilton County Republican leadership.

Not to bash citizens who are Republicans. But the politicians you have in this region with an (R) behind their name are a joke. Time to see if things change with Portune and Pepper as the majority. Besides, if things don't go well, you can vote out Portune next go-around.

Anonymous said...

TNP - what is this perfect world you live in? I would much have a "flawed" Clinton and Kennedy than a Bush who panders to the crazy "born-again" nut cases. The fear and ignorances they play upon has nearly destroyed our democracy.

It's the "cold war" fear and ignorance come back to haunt us. Those who censor books about history are doomed to repeat it?

Anonymous said...

This is TNP writing.

Dean, I'm not very happy with what I see in Hamco Republican ldrshp, for certain. But I look at the Democrat-led City Council that has tied the hands of Cincinnati's finest and then I look at Cincy being the 56th largest city in the US with the 15th highest per capita murder rate in the country. I'm wondering what would improve if the Dems with their long history of politically-correct BS and la-la land parallel universe thinking ran BOTH the city government and the county. I just can't bring myself to vote for a Democrat. There was a time when the Dems were Cold Warriors--JFK, HHH, Henry "Scoop" Jackson, HST, Nunn of Georgia. Men of integrity and grit all. But today's Dems have lost me totally. I have no illusions that there is salvation in politics, period, Republican or Green or Libertarian or Democrat. But when push comes to shove, I have to vote Republican.

Anonymous at 8:23am, I am one of your so-called "crazy 'born-again' nut cases." And you better bet your butt that politicians from Rabbit Hash to DC need to pay attention to what I think and the standards I hold them to. Based on your brief blurb, I would judge you to be a young pup with little experience in the world. Life doesn't seem to have knocked you down and stomped on your face as often as it needs to and, trust me, will inevitably. When you gain a bit more wisdom, as I hope you will as you get older, you will learn that the "cold war" fear was rooted in reality, that our democratic republic has NOT been "nearly destroyed" by any stretch of the imagination and that Reagan Conservatives do not censor books. Did you notice all the strenuous efforts of the Bill Clinton Democrats to quash or censor the "Path to 9/11" 5-hour flick recently shown by ABC? Did you see the same kind of screaming and yelling of threats and recriminations from Republicans and Conservatives when that unkempt dip, Michael Moore, excreted his masterwork, "Fahrenheit 911"? If you noticed the difference in the way each movie was criticized, tell me again what you think about members of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" (like I am) being guilty of censoring books. Grow up, dude. I urge you not to fall into the Democrat/liberal parallel universe where good is bad and bad is good and "what's real for you may not be real for me" and "who the hell are you to tell me I can't kill a developing human being as long as 'it' still resides in 'its' mother's womb." As young as you probably are, there may still be hope for you.

Anonymous said...

Dean, you are absolutely right. No leadership on many levels. I was very pro-Heimlich, but I did not know of his man-love with the nut jobs of COAST. He has been nowhere campaigning and then proposes a sales tax? Is he naive enough to believe that COAST has as much power COAST says it does?

Let's ask Steve Chabot...his citizens are calling up to Boehner's district for help because Chabot won't take a crap without the COAST fanatics. Look at all the damage they've done, and all in the name of "Me, me, me, I WANT THE POWER!!!"

Cincinnati is already purple, let it go blue...that is what COAST was willing to do with Paul Hackett last year. I wonder how they like it now that we feel that way about Heimlich? What comes around, goes around. -Rose

Someone said...

TNP wrote:

I'm not very happy with what I see in Hamco Republican ldrshp, for certain. But I look at the Democrat-led City Council that has tied the hands of Cincinnati's finest and then I look at Cincy being the 56th largest city in the US with the 15th highest per capita murder rate in the country.

Phil, on the campaign trail, says Pepper bowed down to rioters and boycotters with a collaborative. But they had no choice: it was either the collaborative or a consent decree. The police preferred the collaborative!

BTW, Pepper wasn't even on council during the riots and the crime spike that began back then. Heimlich was!

TNP: I'm wondering what would improve if the Dems with their long history of politically-correct BS and la-la land parallel universe thinking ran BOTH the city government and the county.

Well, you are seeing what happens when our area's Republicans run the County government. Do you like what you see? Why not try a change? Besides, Todd's up for re-election next. If they can't get it done, vote R next time and get the majority back. It's that simple.

Anonymous said...

This is TNP writing.

Dean, I don't think I'm willing to gamble on a Democrat majority on the Commission. As I said before, the Democrat party in 2006 is not the party it once was, standing generally as it does as the pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, big tax and spend, politically-correct, anti-defense (i.e., opposing an effective offensive against the Islamic Fascists, especially the Iraq Phase), pro-ACLU, activist liberal judiciary, anti-tough law enforcement and on and on. I don't want the Commission passing resolutions calling for immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. I'm sick to death of liberal "symbolism." I'm pretty well convinced that the only way to weaken the Democrat Party is to beat Democrats from the ground up, starting with local elections, such as the Hamco Commission. You sound like a reasonable man, but I can't agree with your call for a fling with the Democrats on the Commission.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This is TNP writing.

Secular Humanist, you are sorely in need of an expanded vocabulary. And if November is gonna be cold for me, understand (don't miss this, twit) that it's gonna be a hot eternity for you. If you don't change direction soon, you'll wind up where you're going. You have willingly allowed yourself to be locked into a lie. I feel pity for you and for every unbeliever like you. My gosh, to be a Democrat AND a blasphemer both! A double whammy if I ever heard one! Well, while there's breath, there's hope, so whether you want me to or not, I will pray for you. Meanwhile, I hope your car won't start on Election Day.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot said...

Removed a comment by "Secular Humanist". Childish attacks on other commenters are not tolerated. I left Nate Noy's childish attack, because it was, and still is, amusing as hell.

VikingSpirit said...

WTF, nice blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow! what an idea ! What a concept ! Beautiful .. Amazing …