Tuesday, November 28, 2006

A Special Place in Hell.

I can't begin to tell you how much this sickens me. The Death Penalty is not enough for this woman.

Woman Charged With Killing Her Baby in a Microwave

From WCPO.com

A Dayton woman is charged with killing her newborn daughter by putting her in the microwave.

Dayton police said recent evidence proved China Arnold, 26, killed 3 week old Paris Talley in August 2005.

The baby was already dead when she was brought to the hospital.

A coroner determined she died of extreme heat, even though her body had no signs of burns or scalding.

Gary White with the Dayton Police Department said, "There is some information that potentially an appliance could have been used to cause the burns to this baby."

Arnold is charged with aggravated murder and is being held at the Montgomery County Jail.

WTF is repulsed. WTF is sickened. WTF would like to note that behaviour like this is the result of the Culture of Death perpetrated by the pro-abortion crowd. There is NO difference between this heinous crime and Partial Birth Abortion. Partial Birth Abortion is the form of infanticide in which a baby, nearly completely out of the birth canal, has a pair of scissors shoved into his skull and his brains sucked out by a vacuum.

Try to tell me that shoving scissors into the skull of a nearly born infant is any different than microwaving that same infant three weeks later.

Just try it.

China Arnold? She needs to pay. She is disgusting. She is no better than an animal.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Make every vote count?

WTF has learned that while Dr. Victoria Wells AKA Dr. Victoria Wulsin has been screaming about "making every vote count", neither she, nor a representative has attended any of the provisional countings, in any county.

Victoria keeps on trying to fight windmills.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

BUSTED: Vic Wulsin lying about nuclear waste.

WTF has, in cooperation with BizzyBlog, been examining documents that have been acquired. In a letter, dated Oct. 31, 2006, to union leaders at the Piketon nuclear plant and to the leadership of the Southern Ohio Diversification Initiative, Dr. Victoria Wells AKA Victoria Wulsin lauds them for applying for a grant. This grant that she is lauding is the very one that Congresswoman Jean Schmidt is helping them with. It is the very grant that Victoria Wulsin is ATTACKING Congresswoman Schmidt for, claiming that Congresswoman Schmidt is trying to turn Pike County into a toxic waste dump. If Dr. Victoria Wells AKA Victoria Wulsin knew so much about the grant, then she would know that it is about RECYCLING uranium at an already existing Department of Energy nuclear site. Therefore one can only conclude that Victoria is lying.

Wells/Wulsin's lie is so outrageous that the USW union out at the nuclear facility chimed in. They wrote a letter, dated November 1st, 2006 to Dr. Wells/Wulsin. In the letter, they write that they appreciate Victoria's support for the plant (which she indicated in her letter, while simultaneously lying in the press). They then go on to write:

We are concerned with a fundamental misconception reported in the press, most recently in the Cincinnati Enquirer, about our pursuit for funding to complete a detailed site analysis related to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership program (GNEP). Our goal is to complete a site analysis to determine if the Piketon site and local community would support hosting new technologies to related to GNEP.

I don't see anything there about a nuclear waste dump. I see a study to see if new technologies might be hosted at the Piketon site.

The union then completely debunks Wells/Wulsin's lie.

It is important to note that we have not met any elected official or candidate for public office from the Congressional level to the local level that disagrees with our pursuit of funds to complete the site analysis. Most importantly, no elected official including your opponent Congresswoman Schmidt, union member, or community leader supports the idea of creating a waste dump at the Piketon site. Our intent is to better understand the GNEP program, our site, and the role we can play in supporting the country's journey toward energy independence.

There you have it. Proof debunking the lies of Victoria Wells/Wulsin, Jim Borgman, and others. Victoria Wells AKA Victoria Wulsin...you should be ashamed of yourself. NOBODY propsed a waste dump in the Second District. Nobody wants a waste dump. Congresswoman Schmidt is to be lauded and praised for her help of the workers in Pike County. Victoria Wulsin...shame on you for your dishonesty and your lies.

For the convenience of our dear readers, WTF gives you copies of the letters.
Click on thumbnails for full views, and note that we have removed certain personally identifying information of some recipients or senders.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Nasty, Brutish & Short on Kerry's October Surprise

John Kerry's October Surprise. NB&S nailed it. Is anybody surprised?

Also, Check out NIXGUY. He has a number of good links.

Nixguy also had this video, which he found from Youtube.

Voting Democrat will put people like Kerry in charge. Is that what you want? Do you want Nancy Pelosi as your Speaker of the House? Do you want Sherrod Brown on the Judiciary Committee? Do you want Ted Strickland and his NAMBLA buddies in the Governor's Mansion? Do you want the ethically challenged Victoria Wells AKA Victoria Wulsin in charge of healthcare? We need stong people, with principle. We need Steve Chabot, Jean Schmidt, Ken Blackwell, Greg Hartmann, Mary Taylor and others in office.

Enquirer: Wulsin's ad is dishonest.

The Enquirer is REPORTING that Victoria Wells AKA Dr. Victoria Wulsin has a very dishonest ad.

Enquirer reporter Gregory Korte writes: (emphasis added by WTF)
The other allegations in the ad - that she voted against veterans' health benefits and to "slash" homeland security funding - are partisan spin at best. At worst, they're misleading.

The only justification for the statement that Schmidt voted against veterans' health benefits was her support of the $2.8 trillion federal budget. The 2007 spending plan called for an increase in veterans' health care spending in 2007, followed by reductions after that - though such decisions are always revisited in future budgets and appropriations bills.

On security, Wulsin cites seven roll-call votes on amendments, totaling $257.8 million, to the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2006. All were sponsored by Democrats, and all but one lost on largely party-line votes. One exception: the Democratic-sponsored Lynch Amendment, which added $50 million for rail security, received enough Republican votes to pass. Schmidt voted against it.

But those amendments didn't increase homeland security funding at all; in fact, they would have diverted established homeland security spending to other areas - nuclear-detection devices in ports, local disaster coordination, investigations of the handling of Hurricane Katrina and even global- warming studies and "breakfast with firefighters" programs.

One can debate her homeland security priorities, but it's not fair to say she voted to "slash" funding.

The final bill, which passed the House 389-9, increased homeland security spending by 5 percent - $1.8 billion - in 2007.

Yes, Wells AKA Wulsin is complaining that Congresswoman Schmidt voted against Liberal amendments that would have taken away funding from Homeland Security and would haved put the money towards breakfast with firefighters.


UPDATE. BizzyBlog and Nasty Brusith & Short have picked up on the story too.