Tuesday, October 24, 2006

What does "Democrat" stand for?

If you ask some:

Character, and


Anonymous said...

Politics has always been very, very important in human affairs. But in the US it got REALLY serious after 1973's Roe v. Wade decision. Add George McGovern's extreme leftist presidential campaign in 1972, and you have folks like me looking at Democrats as synonymous with evil--the killing of developing human beings who still reside in their mothers' wombs, retreat and appeasement in the face of war and the threat of war, a cradle-to-grave paternalistic central government, a persistent and growing concentration of political power in the Washington at the expense of states' rights and our federal system, focused efforts to upend traditional marriage and family arrangements and determined hostility to the mere mention of God in any public context. I could go on, but you get the idea. Knowing the Dems generally line up behind all of these heinous ideas and causes and others just as repugnant keeps me and all the other members of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fired up and working hard to thwart the Jackass Party and their NOW, NARAL, ACLU, AFL-CIO, NAMBLA and AARP buddies. And I won't cut and run from the challenge. The stakes are way too high.

Anonymous said...

You are a moron. The democrats suck, but the republicans are filled with Jack abrhamOffs, Pedophile Foley's, drug crazed Limballs, Oreally perverts chickenhawk AWOLS, gay male prostitute fake reporters and a huge war mongering Dick named Chenney.

Anonymous said...

tnp, you are dumb.

"you have folks like me looking at Democrats as synonymous with evil--the killing of developing human beings who still reside in their mothers' wombs, retreat and appeasement in the face of war and the threat of war"

Your self righteous concern for devoloping humans is a joke when you support the murder of over 650,000 innocent civillians in a illegal and immoral war on a country that didn't attack us and wasn't a threat.

Pull your head out of your ass. Why is it ok to kill developed babies?

Thou shalt not kill!

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